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subject favinavi为什么会选择微软的bing搜索作为默认的搜索引擎?









by: fanshome  visibility 1218
2023-06-10 04:31 (UTC)

Demo subject javascript捕获缺省的组合快捷键,比如CTRL+F



by: fanshome  visibility 1225
2023-06-09 06:22 (UTC)

subject 把favinavi网络收藏夹的书签搜索功能做到最好










by: fanshome  visibility 1086
2023-06-10 04:34 (UTC)

subject An example of increasing productivity with the Favinavi web favorites sharing feature

Favinavi’s humanized network favorites provides a sharing function, that is, users can share their favorite and organized bookmarks with their classmates, colleagues or friends.

A leader who works in a local government department (let's call him "Director Zhang" for convenience), works for the quality management and supervision department of the local government. In order to ensure the legal compliance of their work, their departments need to frequently check the laws, regulations, and systems related to their profession. This content is distributed across different types of websites, including national, provincial, prefectural, municipal, and others. And the specific content of these regulations will continue to change over time, and if you do not follow up immediately, it may cause mistakes in work.

So the enthusiastic and willing to use his brains "Director Zhang" thought that if he built a web page, the commonly used legal websites and other commonly used website bookmarks in the work were brought together, and he was responsible for updating, editing, and combing, so that all colleagues in his government department, as long as they had the need to query relevant content, could directly visit this web page and quickly query the latest, most comprehensive and authoritative content.

However, building a website/page that everyone can access may not be easy or necessary. "Director Zhang" thought of his commonly used favinavi network favorites, which can be used to solve his work needs. So he specially registered a new Favinavi account to collect, categorize, organize relevant URL bookmarks, and then published the work-specific favorite sharing URL he created to hundreds of his colleagues. As a result, a set of dynamic 'laws and regulations' that can be adjusted at any time has been created, and colleagues can visit this sharing website at any time if they need to work, which greatly improves work efficiency. If necessary, colleagues can also use the 'one-click to my favorites' feature to add a bookmark directly to their Favinavi favorites for future access.

In addition to sharing your favorite bookmarks as a whole, favinavi can also choose some bookmarks at will to generate a special sharing set, which is more flexible and convenient.

If you have similar needs, consider using

by: demo  visibility 1132
2023-06-13 17:36 (UTC)

subject Comparing the mobile adaptability of several Chinese web favorites

In the era of mobile phones, a website is still good to use, and whether you can get a good browsing experience on mobile phones is very critical.

In recent days, I have focused on the screen adaptation of my Favinavi website page, optimizing very, very much detail. Now that the optimization of screen adaptation has come to an end for the time being, I feel that I have done a good job, and then I tested it all with a few terminals (including PC/pad/mobile phone), well... The conclusion is really good, it can be said that it has achieved "humanization".

A little time, out of curiosity, I also want to see how other people do with this aspect of online favorites, hehe.

I won't mention the specific website name, in short, in addition to a relatively professional team to do a special focus on UI favorite websites, most of them can be said to be miserable, basically did not consider the automatic adaptation of the mobile phone, or it is more troublesome, need to download the app. It's really a little unexpected, I don't know if it's the era of mobile phones now?

After a slight turn, I felt very relieved in comparison. I have worked so hard to make the favinavi, of course, I dare not say that I have done the best, but I found that it is actually very unique. I believe that doing your own actual needs as the universal needs of users, although not a very market-oriented good method, is in line with the scientific outlook on development.

Personally make a summary to cheer myself up: compared with the seven or eight Chinese network favorites in the rough test, in terms of mobile terminal interface friendliness, if Favinavi claims to be the second, will anyone dare to claim the first?

by: fanshome  visibility 1134
2023-06-14 02:56 (UTC)

subject What should the best web favorites look like?

What should the best web favorites look like? Let's clarify the premise of the discussion here, see: What is a web favorites/online bookmarking.

I am afraid that everyone's answer to this question is different. But in the understanding of favinavi, in addition to the basic functions of general network favorites (such as adding, editing, deleting, importing, exporting), it is to see the convenience of use.

What is convenience? The ultimate convenience is called convenience. What are web favorites used for? Of course, it is used to surf the Internet, translated into the vernacular, that is, you can use the fastest speed to access your favorite website.

How fast can it be fastest? Favinavi's understanding is just one click! One click in the true sense of the word.

Some people will say, this is nonsense! Which bookmark link is not a one-click jumper?

That's right, but I mean: after opening the browser (this time the click is not counted, because everyone uses a browser or browser-like software, so it is not counted), just one click. Specifically, if a certain prerequisite is met, the browser is opened, and the favorite website can be immediately accessed with another click.

It sounds like nothing, let me give you another example: the browser's own bookmarks bar, in the case of chrome, even if you have the Show bookmarks bar turned on in your settings, in general, you need at least 2 clicks to access specific bookmarks. Even if some browsers can directly display bookmarks below the address bar, have you ever thought about it, assuming that there are more bookmarks in favorites? For example, 50, it is impossible to display in one line, if multiple lines are displayed, and it takes up too much of the browser's own screen space, the space used by the browser to display the real web page content is crowded.

One or two clicks worse seems to be nothing, but for heavy Internet users, it seems that most people are still lazy, always hoping to do everything as convenient as possible, the faster the better.

This need for extreme laziness in human nature is the focus of Favinavi's attention. If the user sets the as the browser launch page, then you can truly achieve "one-click to fly", because the home page of favinavi is the user's favorites, open the browser, favinavi will try to display the user's favorites directly as much as possible, and the number of bookmarks displayed is pursued as much as possible, the more the better, and at the same time automatically count and display the most frequently visited bookmarks by users. In this way, basically, frequently visited websites are "one hit away", and even scrolling pages are basically not used.

The difference is not very important for light browser users. However, favinavi is mainly intended for those heavy Internet users, for those Internet users who have at least dozens of bookmarks in their favorites, and for lazy cancer patients who want to be lazy in everything.

Intuitive display, the more the merrier, one-click direct, is the characteristic of Favinavi.

Are you impressed? Register Favinavi right now to feel it

by: demo  visibility 975
2023-06-12 10:15 (UTC)

subject 最好用的网络收藏夹应该是什么样?









这种人性中极致懒惰的需求,就是favinavi关注的重点。如果用户把 设置成了浏览器启动页,那么就可以真正意义上实现“一键起飞”,因为favinavi的首页就是用户的收藏夹,打开浏览器,favinavi就尽可能把用户收藏夹内容直接展示,并且显示的书签数量上追求尽可能多,多多益善,同时自动统计并展示用户最常访问的书签。这样,基本上,常去访问的网站就实现了“一击即达”,甚至连滚动页面都基本不用。


by: fanshome  visibility 1417
2023-06-23 01:51 (UTC)

subject 对比一下几个中文网络收藏夹的实用性之手机适配篇







by: fanshome  visibility 1178
2023-06-10 06:08 (UTC)

subject 关于网页上的复选框checkbox的checked和value的问题



如果一个复选框在其表单被提交时没有被选中,就不会有任何代表其未被选中的状态(例如 value=unchecked)的值被提交给服务器——该值根本就没有被提交给服务器!如果你想在复选框未被选中时提交一个默认值,你可以在表单中加入一个具有相同的 name 和 value 的 <input type="hidden"> 字段,它可以由 JavaScript 生成。

一个布尔属性,表示该复选框是否被默认选中(当页面加载时)。它不表示这个复选框当前是否被选中:如果复选框的状态被改变,这个内容属性不反映这个变化。此时,只有 HTMLInputElement 的 IDL 属性 checked 会更新。




如果为了方便用户,比如在用户设置某些选项时,希望把复选框当成一个开关来用,选中表示“开”,不选中表示“关”,直接根据复选框状态后台就更新数据库里的状态,而不需要用户有提交表单的动作。假如你此时 没.有. 在页面中制作一个表单,只是 单.独. 一个复选框,然后希望用JavaScript来处理后续,那么你就惨了,你会发现无论你怎么折腾,貌似都不能得到当前复选框的“checked”状态,挠头吧?!



答案也很简单,如果不想麻烦而使用表单来实现,就扔掉checkbox,换言之就可以只是把checkbox当一个摆设,只是给用户的眼睛看状态,就好了呀!真正用JavaScript处理的东西可以是和checkbox一点关系都没有的,比如我们可以在JS里设一个变量来记录,或者给页面上某个dom元素添加一个属性来记录我们需要的状态,比如:<div id='switch' status='0'></div>,用户点一下checkbox,我们就把“status”值在“0“和”1“之间做个变化,不要去读checked是true or false,直接读写switch元素的status属性值就好。


by: fanshome  visibility 1934
2023-06-03 16:45 (UTC)